Julien grosvalet (France)
Flashlights is the first part of Tsunami, Grosvalet’s piece from 2015. It signals a catastrophe, just before the tipping point. Grosvalet places dance alongside light as plastic components of his staging, with bodies and senses in a state of tension. A sense of uncertainty emerges, while the electro soundtrack resounds with its overwhelming beat and dry screeches. Bodies – sometimes stealthy, sometimes trapped – move like caged beasts that cannot lose their dread.

© PUK Samia Hamlaoui

© PUK Samia Hamlaoui
Julien Grosvalet was born in 1980. He trained at the Conservatory of Nantes, then at P.A.R.T.S, and joined the CCN de Nantes in 2002 where he danced in all of Claude Brumachon’s works. In 2004, he created Forbidden Lights, and the company R14 the following year. Since then, he has made La première vague, Tsunami, Statues sociales, Piel (performance) and Hashtag (with the students of the CRD of Saint-Nazaire). He also choreographed Mansfield Tya’s music video “Bleu lagon”. Currently, he is collaborating on a new project with DJ La Fraîcheur.
- Choreography
- Julien Grosvalet
- Performers
- Ariadna Gironès Mata, Véronique Lemonnier, Martin Mauries, Gaël
Rougegrez et Samuel Watts - Light design
- Vincent Saout
- Sound design
- Erwan Coutant
- Costume design
- Bérangère Marin
- Regard extérieur
- Jean-Christophe Paré
- Production
- Association Room12+2
- Production déléguée
- [H]ikari Production
- Coproduction
- Le Théâtre - Scène Nationale de Saint-Nazaire, CCNN dans le cadre de la cellule d'accompagnement de l'émergence
- Supports
- Les Fabriques-Laboratoires Artistiques (Nantes), Les Éclats - pôle artistique pour la danse contemporaine en Nouvelle-Aquitaine (La Rochelle), SE.S.TA (Prague),
Le Point Ephémère (Paris),
Les Journées Danse Dense (Paris),
la Fondation ECART-POMARET,
Ville de Nantes,
Conseil Départemental de Loire Atlantique,
Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire